Monday, November 14, 2005


Ever think about what you'll see if your life flashes before your eyes? I know I'm going to think about the stuff I regret. One of which will be regretting that I don't walk or exercise more. I have daydreamed once or twice about (don't laugh now, I'm being serious) becoming a marathon runner. Just me and the road. Depending on nothing but my body. Dude, I would even have muscles! The running meditation. Perpetually going. You can outlast everyone. Just something about the idea of running a marathon has looked good to me. For once in my life, I am at a point where I can ignore what others will think of me (physically - mentally, well, that's beyond help now). There is one obvious block in this little dream of mine: my addiction to sugar. Honestly! The thought of food, of eating it, baking it, going to the store to buy it, or out with friends at a restaurant! I'd be a mile into the marathon and the first Italian bistro I see will look better than any finishing line. I think competitve running is out of the picture, I just want to start running for my own enjoyment. I just have to do it in a gym, and try to stay on the machine for more than five minutes. Wish me luck!

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