Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Contest Meme!

I am starting a Contest Meme. Here are the rules. 1. Create a post theme. (E.g. Mine will be "Why I Love/Loathe My Town") 2. Create a deadline for when this post is due on everyone's blog. (Date and Time and Time Zone) 3. Pictures are not required; this post should focus more on the writing ability of the blogger. 4. No editing or numerous posts allowed for that theme allowed (unless part of the rules for that theme; for example, upon seeing what everyone else did, you shouldn't go back to your post and edit it; then again, see the originator for the post theme for questions). 5. The person who creates that theme must also post. 6. Post the rules for this Contest (rules for the post, deadline, etc in one post, reminders are nice too). 7. Everyone who wishes to participate must leave a comment in your 'Rules Posting.' 8. At the end of the contest, the originator of the contest must do a "Voting Post". During which time everyone who participated must vote in the comments. A time limit should also be posted for voting, as well as links in that post to everyone who participated. 9. Feel free to make up rules for your specific post as far as what should and should not be posted, etc.

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