Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Six Month Rule

I'm curious to hear other peoples opinions on this matter, as well as their experiences. My husband and I have been married for two months. We dated for six months before we were officially engaged and we lived together for about a year and a half before we got married. The wedding itself (even though we semi-eloped (think elope, but people were invited)) was pressure enough, but so is trying to live with someone. Anyone who has had roommates will know. And I guess it's because you love/like the other person, that you are willing to make it work. Then, there is the problem with jeopardizing yourself and your principles. (I always had issues with this, and noticed how much I changed or tried to change for different guys. Think "Runaway Bride" but I never did the leaving. Except once.) I must say that it is not the love that causes the problems, just the living together. So...I can understand the following p.o.v.... When I introduced him to my parents, my mother took me aside and told me that she and my dad knew that we were living together and that they WANTED us to live together for at least six months before we got married. So, please leave comments (anon's are wonderful too!) and let me know about your experience w/ any similar situations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, living together can be a tough experience. Trying to learn the other person's little annoying habits and then learning to deal with them.... but alas, they become less noticeable as time goes on. Hopefully that is some consolation. It's the BIG annoying habits that really linger! LOL!

8/24/2004 12:59:00 PM  

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