Friday, July 22, 2005

Starry Secret

Free Will Astrology : Pisces Horoscope: "'When truth is buried underground it grows,' wrote French novelist Emile Zola, 'it chokes, it gathers such explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows up everything with it.' I'm delivering this as a warning, Pisces, not as a prediction. In fact, if you act quickly, you have an excellent chance of ensuring that Zola's scenario doesn't unfold in your own life. There are important truths that are buried, but if you dig them up and expose them to the fresh air now, they won't explode in a few weeks. "
Hm...I have a secret. I guess that's what the post from the other day was all about. Or, could there be more? Always! Invalidated strife and anxiety overtake any loose sensitivity and cause me to act like a whack-job! Maybe it's a good thing that I won't be at DC this weekend? Especially since my knees have been extremely weak. Might have something to do with me taking muscle relaxers and pain relievers. Or that I am drained. Poop.

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