NYC transit imposes random bag search
How can this be 'necessary'? Isn't this kind of thing what metal detectors are for? They put those up in schools, why not the subways? I get pissed off enough when I have to check a bag at a store!
Chicago Tribune | NYC transit imposes random bag search: "By Joshua Robin and Daryl Khan Tribune Newspapers: Newsday Published July 22, 2005
NEW YORK -- Passengers entering New York-area subways, buses, ferries and the commuter rail system will be subject to random bag searches under an unprecedented security measure adopted Thursday, shortly after London's transit system was bombed for the second time in two weeks.
The move makes New York's mass transit network the first in the country where bags are checked without the backdrop of a major political event.
'We just live in a world where, sadly, these kinds of security measures are necessary,' a solemn Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference Thursday."
Chicago Tribune | NYC transit imposes random bag search: "By Joshua Robin and Daryl Khan Tribune Newspapers: Newsday Published July 22, 2005
NEW YORK -- Passengers entering New York-area subways, buses, ferries and the commuter rail system will be subject to random bag searches under an unprecedented security measure adopted Thursday, shortly after London's transit system was bombed for the second time in two weeks.
The move makes New York's mass transit network the first in the country where bags are checked without the backdrop of a major political event.
'We just live in a world where, sadly, these kinds of security measures are necessary,' a solemn Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference Thursday."
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Ah, the age old debate of personal civil liberties versus public safety precautions.
Darling I sympathize, and everyone has there own line where they feel invaded, but laws have to apply to everyone. So no law is going to make everyone happy. Some are going to think it goes to far, some are going to think it doesn't go far enough.
Sucks to live in a world where bombings happen, doesn't it?
I hate having to let some guy root through my tampons and lipsticks, but hey, I'm sure it's nothing he hasn't seen. On the bright side, I've never met a security searcher who wasn't quick, respectful and didn't completely ignore anything that wasn't an explosive.
Hehehe...yeah, I can understand it to a point. I do agree though that the people who search you are quite nice and funny. Sometimes I just feel like we aren't any more secure than we were before. Like, they'll just go somewhere that isn't being watched. And yet, would we be safer if we were watched everywhere? All this confusion keeps me in orbit.
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