Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Chinese New Year - 2005 is the Year of Yiyou,

Good morning! We are currently having wisps of snowflakes here. And HUGE PUDDLES OF WATER!!! I got to see some friends last night. I just wished my sinus cavities cooperated. It is my other friend's 30th birthday on Friday. As far as I know, we are just going out to dinner, but I am still not sure what to get her. She's into Celtic history, beading, gardening, so I have a lot to choose from. I just hope I get her something useful. :D And today it is the year of the Rooster. Heheh...a friend I play DC with has a wandrakin named Rooster. So, I find that entirely amuzing. :D My mother's Chinese sign is also the Rooster, so I have a feeling that it might be an eventful year. Seeing as how last year was the year of the Monkey and my grandmother is a Monkey and she moved down to live with my parents, I feel that I can safely say that possibly something extraordinary will occur in my mother's life. In other news, everyone seems to have sinus problems. It's a wacky day. Definitely one of those days in which it is better to stay in bed with the covers over your head. May the rest of your day be swift and painless. Today's question: If you could have a huge pile of ice cream with as many flavors and toppings that you wanted, what would yours have?


Blogger Minoa said...

sadly chocolate is a lifeline.
My ice cream pile:

mint chocolate chip
chocolate chocolate chip
Ben & Jerry's Phish Food
New York Dream Strawberry Cheesecake
Shake's Custard Chocolate Fudge Brownie & Mocha
Chocolate Hard Shell
Cool Whip

2/09/2005 10:51:00 AM  

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