Monday, February 07, 2005

Random Fantasies

1. We all leave work. Get on the bus. Go to the theatre. Get popcorn and other various snacks. See a cruddy movie. Like "Boogeyman". Go back to work. 2. A waitress brings me a plate of tiramisu. 3. A bouquet of orchids, gladiolas, lillies, roses, babies breath, and cornflowers arrives at my cubbie. No card. 4. The Earth goes into automatic springtime for 3 hours every afternoon. All mornings are rainy/misty. Dawn is nice. 5. At precisely 1:53 pm, every 123rd person turns into a vampire for 6 minutes and 49 seconds. During that time a horrible craving for red Kool Aid overtakes them. They drink it until they look like Kool-Aid face from BTVS season 1. 6. Silly Symptoms will no longer exist. You know, where you're sick. But there isn't anything seriously wrong with you. It's just enough to knock you on your butt, but nothing really to keep you from working. Yet, when you work, it makes you even more tired. And when you're at home, you get bored and want to do something to make you prove to yourself that you are an actual life form instead of lying there like an amoeba. Yeah, silly symptoms suck. 7. Everyone will get a new pair of pretty, yet comfortable, shoes (in the correct size) that will magically appear on their doorstep. They also go with every outfit and fit every occasion. At night they will go back to the Cobbler Mage. 8. At 4pm everyone takes a siesta. The buildings turn a Tuscan orange that explodes over (the newly turned) Agean blue streets. People lounge in swings, hammocks, and green Adirondeck chairs. The birds chirp us to sleep.


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