Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Apothecary & Brake Fluid

So my friend and I want to learn about aromatherapy. I've considered apothecary. I want to know more about it. Is it like "playing with chemicals...the natural way!" or is it more involved than that? I originally liked the idea b/c of a character that I have in DragonCrest. But I have recently learned of a correspondance school that teaches you very wonderful degrees. It doesn't cost too much either. I guess that I would have to look into liscensing in the state of Arkansas in order to work. I'm not sure. I'm considering taking a basic course.
I want my own garden! We won't be able to get a house for a few more years. This worries me because I don't want to have kids until we get a house...and I really don't want to have kids past the age of 30. I know that sounds weird, but I still want to be somewhat young by the time they turn 18. So, that's been worrying me lately. We're not going to get a house until his truck is paid off & we pay off a new car for me. Well...fate may be having a hand in that. My brakes don't seem to be working. I brought my van home from the mechanic yesterday after getting an oil change and my flasher changed out as well. (yeah turn signals!) Anyway, as I drove to work this morning, I realized, hey, I'm not slowing down as I should....why aren't I stopping? I think that the emergency brake got left on, but I'm not sure.

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