Monday, February 26, 2007

Letter to Howl

Dear Howl, I know you love us. I know that you are still a baby. Especially when you rush onto the bed around 5 am and gently knead Glenn and I. First one, and the the other, and then back to the first. Back and forth repeatedly. Until you finally pick your designated pal for that morning. And last Saturday morning? Can I just say it was so precious as you snored and purred. Snore-purrrrrrrrrr, snore-purrrrrrrrrrrr, snore-purrrrrrrrrrrrr. And you were all cuddled up in the crook of my arm like a little baby. Fast asleep and purring. And just like a baby, you FREAKED OUT WHEN THAT ALARM WENT OFF! BECAUSE OH!MY!GODS! PEOPLE! IT'S SUNDAY MORNING! WHAT IS THAT ALARM DOING! Let's not forget to mention the whole sink issue.
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You won't lay in it, but you like to watch the drain. Or maybe it's the dripping. I haven't figured it out yet, and I can tell that you haven't figured it out yet either. Love, Col

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