Monday, January 23, 2006

I Value Your Opinion

Please add a comment or send me an e-mail ( makazeminion at yahoo dot com ) with any music suggestions. Your five favorite cd's, musicians, soundtracks, bands. I feel like updating my music collection. Please feed my moody needs.



Blogger Krystle said...

5 Favorite CDs (of the moment)
1. Queens of the Stone Age - Songs to Paralyze
2. Sarah Harmer - All of our names
3. Micheal Buble -self titled...really hot!
4. NIN - With Teeth
5. Theory of a Deadman - Gasoline

and I'm putting 2 more because I want too...

6. Franz Ferdinand - You could have had it so much better.

7. Damien Rice - O

I know I'm a little eclectic but these are my current faves. I'll send you and email with my ALL TIME favorites :)

1/23/2006 12:45:00 PM  

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