Friday, October 21, 2005

A Girl That Likes to Walk Around Her Apartment Naked Tagged Me to Do This Meme

10 years ago: October 1995, I was a sophomore in high school. Loved my English class, and wondered why it took so long for them to put me in honors. Stupid standardized testing…. I went to school, I went home. That was it. Spent my nights studying or listening to music or reading. And eating ice cream.

5 years ago: October 2005, I was starting my third semester at the University. I was in a dorm that had a fire alarm go off around 2am every Thursday morning. It got to a point where I would study and then think about going to bed, but stay because I knew the alarm would go off soon. After awhile people stopped paying attention to it. My friend and I would wait outside with a blankie and pillow. That year I also co-set-up two friends, and they ended up getting married in my living room two years later.

1 year ago: October 2004, I wasn’t too happy last Halloween. I’m not sure why though. I did play this Hallmark card all day (possibly all week) however.

Yesterday: Still working on this meme.

One Hour Ago: Sending Glenn an e-mail

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. chocolate milk
2. popcorn w/ pour over butter
3. No bake cookies
4. Flavored tea
5. Glenn

5 songs I know the words to: (Why is this one always the hardest?)
1. “Hold On” by Wilson Phillips
2. “Sweet Transvestite” by RHPS/Tim Curry
3. “Wig in a Box” by Hedwig and the Angry Inch
4. “Origin of Love” by Hedwig and the Angry Inch
5. “You are My Sunshine” by Some Southern Governor

5 things I'd do with £100 million:
1. Take care of all of our money problems, including buying a house, and setting up any kind of stock market/investing thingy.
2. Take care of my family and friends so that they don’t have to worry about their money problems any more. This includes medical bills and college funds.
3. Retire on cruise boats, and return home only for holidays. Yes, there would be lots of traveling for Glenn and I. I think some group trips would be in order.
4. Open up a store to sell stuff that I and my friends make.
5. Finally, buy up buildings around town that I love and turn them into museums, shelters, or free places of fun ( like a PlayDough or Lego mansion for kids ) and yes, definitely an artsy place for local artists only.

5 places I'd run away to:
1. Some place with an ocean
2. Some place with mountains
3. Some place with the internet
4. Some place without the internet
5. Some place with Glenn, so we can finally go on our honeymoon!

5 things I'd never wear:
1. Baby clothes
2. Snapped-elastic underwear
3. A tie
4. A mullet
5. A wedding dress, again.

5 biggest joys:
1. Finding My Soulmate.
2. Seeing the Ocean (and tasting it, and walking barefoot in it w/ Glenn next to me).
3. Seeing my Sweet Pea for the first time during a visit.
4. Being organized and feeling accomplished because of it.
5. Warm cuddles

5 favourite toys:
1. My blog
2. The Sims
3. My Camera
4. My car, where I sing the most
5. Glenn

What is cool at my place:
1. Glenn
2. Comfy couch
3. My friends like to hang out there
4. It’s in the center of everything!
5. It’s our first home

I tag the following people:
PeggytheAngel! Tagged by



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