Thursday, August 18, 2005

5 Questions

I found this via Profgrrrrl. If you would like me to send you five questions to answer, then please leave a comment and ask for questions. Make sure that I have a link to your website/email.

1. What superhero power would you most like to have, and why? I think that I might go for the Raven package (of Teen Titans). She can move objects, fly, super strength, and then there is the whole dark energy that she can only control by meditating every day.

2. When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a veterinarian until I realized that I might have to put someone’s puppy to sleep, or tell someone that his or her animal would not live longer. Or, see all of the mistreated animals. I don’t think that I would last long in that kind of situation.

3. What is your favorite meal to cook for others? I have been successful with my lasagna and have recently started to make broccoli raisin salad. For dessert, I please everyone with my sex in a pan.

4. What is the most embarrassing CD that you own? Ooh…this is a hard question. Mostly because what is embarrassing for me would be normal for others. So…I have: Dr. Demento, Scottish version of a Metalica song, and several tv theme songs. Including the A-teams. Something that I used to own, that would embarrass me now (especially if when played, it would prove that I still know the words) would be the New Kids on the Block tape. Yeah. That would have to be it.

5. What is the last good book that you read (for fun)?
‘Good Omens’ by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet. And yes, that even beat out Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. ‘Good Omens’ is about the friendship between and angel and a demon and the apocalypse.

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