Tuesday, November 09, 2004

So Right On Horoscope

Quickie: Your bank account is playing tricks on you. Reevaluate your balance sheet. Overview: If you've been pacifying someone -- and feeling you've let it go on for a tad too long -- consider applying the brakes. Tap them a few times before you come to a complete stop -- but do stop. It is Christmas time, and already I have started shopping. I will continue this weekend. Hopefully I will get done fairly quickly. Sometimes I feel weird about shopping early, but when I do finish, I feel accomplished. Then...a sort of emptiness. Like, was it really worth it? Was I just satisfying a family member's ever dying need for more stuff? My husband claims that he sincerely does not want anything. He said that for the last couple of years he truly has not needed or wanted anything. I joked that it was because I came into his life. =P But...I wish I could be like that. Lately I have had the need to just toss the majority of our stuff. We have a few piles of said stuff throughout the house. This weekend I found an old bag that was filled with receipts. Why? Most of it was for food or trinkets. And magazines!!! A lot of places have been offering free subscriptions to magazines with your purchase, I foolishly said yes a couple of times. Now I feel as though I will never get out from under the pile of Entertainment Weekly's that have taken up our living room.


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