Friday, November 05, 2004

Pet Peeves

It really annoys me whenever I hear someone say, "Stupid people should not be allowed to vote." I think that marks you as an insensitive person. You have to remember this: everyone is someone else's weirdo. I honestly believe that in today's world we can respect each other's opinions. I know it's fun to joke and whatnot about leaving the country. But, like I've heard said before, "I might argue with you until I am blue in the face that you are wrong, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to say it." Or something like that. I remember an old teacher of mine that said the day they cancel shows like SNL is the day that she knows it's time to move to another country. Freedom of speech is what defines this country. It's upsetting that the country is so divided and that there is talk that there might or that there was a Civil War over this election is unnerving, yet, look at the turnout. Look at how we were all able to safely vote and express who we wanted to vote for. ^.^ Have a great weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am everyone's weirdo!
YAY for PEROUTKA!! Better luck next time.

11/08/2004 08:30:00 AM  

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