Friday, November 12, 2004

Pet Peeves

1. People who change your radio in the car while you are driving. It is your car, but they feel like they have the authority to change the station. I have always had one rule that I respect when in someone else's car, maybe it's just me. Rule: driver's car = driver's rules/comfort. You are in their car/care, which means that if they are upset or uncomfortable, then it could result in an accident. Right? I find little things like that rude. Yeah, major freak here. 2. Pick-up trucks. The majority of pick-up truck drivers, at least here in Arkansas, as well as in the tri-state area seem to think that because they have a pick-up truck that they own the road. They will switch lanes on a whim, drive a minimum of ten miles over the speed limit (even when conditions call for more caution), authority to take whatever means necessary to pass thru traffic (includes driving down meridian of highway, on shoulders, between cars, etc), not tie anything down in the bed of their pick-up and believe that nothing could ever blow out, take up two spaces parking (or parking illegally in decks), have leadership ability +5, and the ability to get hit from behind and not have a scratch on their truck but manage to wreck any car whose roof does not reach the height of their tailgate. 3. Pushy people. Not people who need to push others in order to get stuff done. But pushy people who feel that for whatever reason (be it cuteness factor, money factor, idiot factor) because of who they are that whatever service they are asking for will get done faster/more affordable/for free than it is for the regular public. "Bend the rules" is not a motto but a life-long goal. 4. Patronizing. I find that people do this to their friend's children A LOT. I know that this was done to me when I was little (and sadly is still done to me today) by my parent's friends. They laugh off any opinion or fact that I bring up in conversation. The sad part is that I probably learned that thing by going to school, and I wouldn't have gone to school if my parents had not put me through school, so in a sense my parent's friends are really patronizing my parents. The really sad part is that sometimes I find my parents laughing along with my friends. I just hope I don't do that to my kids. They can tell when you laugh with or against them. I think it is one of the first things that they learn going to school. Is today a bad day? Well, maybe. I started to bring up a lot of old memories and with them some pretty nasty emotions. That and I think I really am starting to develop whatever it is that is going around. Blah! Have a great weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally relate. The whole schpeel... LOL! Keep your freakin hands off of my radio while I'm driving, you pick up truck loving, patronizing, pushy idiot. LOL!
You are NOT going to catch anything. NO. NO. NO. Rest this weekend. (do you hear me young lady?)
It's not a bad day... I'm trying to keep it dark outside, but it's not working very well. Sigh.

11/12/2004 10:22:00 AM  

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