Thursday, September 16, 2004

John Greenleaf Whittier: Snow-Bound

John Greenleaf Whittier: Snow-Bound I remember reading this poem in my 11th grade honors class. And it...was...wonderful. Sadly, I lost my copy, as well as many other belongings in a moving van fire. (NEVER USE MAYFLOWER.) But, I always remembered one specific line from the poem, perhaps because of Mrs. Fischer's reading of it: "Boys, a path!" I put a link to the poem as well as to the Dead Poets Society for those of you wishing to find something lost. I tried asking several teachers about who the author might be, using the quote above. The closest I got was one teacher's suggestion of Robert Frost. I think that is the general answer. What upset me more was the poet. All of my life, I never liked Robert Frost. Not sure why, it could by a spiritual/mystical thing. Wrong sign of the zodiac? I don't know. But, everyone has to know who they like, but more importantly, who they do not like. It weeds out the weak ones. ;)