Thursday, September 23, 2004

Inspired by Darkness

The mornings are cooler now. I never thought that I would come to appreciate the Ozarks as I do now. The hills in the distant, obscured by fog that burns off by noon to reveal that another beautiful day has come to our small town. Kids are everywhere, so are the older folks. I've never seen people truly enjoy their day before until I moved to Arkansas. Busy cities are filled with folks worried about getting things done, hurrying off to the next goal, only to worry that they may be behind in their business deals compared to the competition. The only competing I've seen down here is in frivolous things, like cars. I've come to appreciate the frivolous things, although that doesn't mean that I have any. Maybe one day, but until then I'll stay busy appreciating not having to hurry off to get it.


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7/17/2016 12:22:00 PM  

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