Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Dance of Capitalist Superiority

1. You have $10 and need to buy snacks at a gas station; what do you buy?: Apple Cranberry Raspberry Minute Maid, Water, Donuts and chocolate milk. 2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature would you be? A sea turtle. 3. Who's your favorite redhead?: Diane Fossi. 4. What do you order when you're at a pancake house?: Crepes, french fries, and a chocolate milkshake. 5. Do you own any... naughty toys? All of my toys behave and do what I tell them to. 6. Describe your favorite pair of underwear: Either the ones with the monkey or the ones with the turtle. 7. Describe the last time you were injured: When I seriously injured my arm by walking into an opened door. I had to have therapy for about two weeks afterward. A week later I almost hurt the other arm just as bad. 8. Are there any odd things that make you feel uncomfortable?: Published incorrect grammar. News reporters. Talk show hosts. People claiming to speak for someone whom they have never met. Closed-minded people and people who have been brainwashed and can’t even tell that they have been brain washed. 9. Tell me a weird story from your high school years: I had a friend that was a bisexual Republican that wanted to run for the Presidency, a friend that would seriously convince people that she was a vampire, and a friend who was sexually active. On some days, it was hard to eat lunch. 10. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? A dandelion w/ the seeds blowing in the wind. 11. Soda? Where I’m from we don’t say ‘soda’. Just reading that word and feeling it slip past my tongue sends these horrible tingles down my back. Shivers I refer to it as ‘coke’. You ask someone, “Would you like a coke?” They reply “yes.” You say, “Okay, what do you want?” How hard is that? Seriously! Otherwise, I’d like a Pepsi please. 12. Flavor of pudding?: Sex in a pan. 13. What type of shirt are you wearing? Black and blue super soft sweater. 14. Prescription medication? The pill and allegra. 15. If you could use only one form of transportation for the rest of your life, what would it be? Platypus. 16. What are you listening to right now? Mozart Radio 17. Most recent movie you watched? Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason 18. Name 3 things you have on you at all times: Cell phone, glasses/contacts, clothing item 19. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage? Receive, since I am not around normally around people that like to receive them. 20. Name a teacher you had the hots for: Eh…not so much. 21. What is a saying that you use a lot? *rolls eyes* Not so much a saying, but a repetitive action that I fear will one day result in my eyes being permanently stuck backwards. 22. What's one piece of advice that you think should be passed on to every child? Poop or get off of the pot.



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