Sunday, November 27, 2005

Not Much of a Potter Review to You Too

So, like, Brendan Gleeson was in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And all I can say is that if you want to have a really spectacular! spectacular! movie, then you need to have Brendan Gleeson in it. He can be all grr or all :) but really, he is just awesome. I felt a little sorry for the other actors, because really if you're in a scene with Brendan Gleeson, well, you're just lucky to be in it, aren't you dear? I am really proud of the producers of the Potter movies for sticking with their goal of having only Irish/English actors for the main roles. *clicks heels* But they did a great job with his make-up, and the dragon looked very real too! ;) Er...move along, nothing else to see here.... (Yes, spoilers below!) Review: I'm a little pissy that they went from Ooh! We're at the Quidditch World Cup to Yay! That was a great game! Now run away from the Death Eaters. And hellooooooo! Where were the house elves? Anyone? Anyone? Not to mention, that I was waiting for Hermione to finally reveal that a certain reporter could really turn herself into a spider. Oye...and where the hell was Malfoy? But, that's just me as a reader. They really did do well enoug to fill in the non-reader fan base. Although, I did expect it to be a bit scarier. And why didn't he mention that Snape wasn't there? They really do need to put more suspicsions in from other people about Snape instead of just the teenagers. Can't wait to see who plays Umbridge in the next one. And OH MY GODS! Were the Weasley twins hilarious or what?! And why didn't they give us what all of us readers wanted? TO HEAR KRUM SAY 'HERMIONE'? And yes, I did cry for Mr. Diggory, almost as soon as I saw him in fact. Although I must say that he reminds me of a certain from the Woost.



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