Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ask Me Why I'm Happy, And I'll Say It's Because...

...we cleaned. The office looks AMAZING!!! So amazing that tonight I might even start cleaning out some of my craft drawers. Right now I have my beading stuff out in the living room, hoping that it will tempt me to start making stuff. Last night we had grilled cheese sammiches and tomato soup. I don't know what it is about tomato soup. On two separate occasions, Glenn's soup kept boil over, leaving us with nothing but tomato-roll-ups to peel off of the stove the next day. Last night I made the soup, luckily we saved the majority of it. So tonight I get tomato roll-ups before cooking dinner. Maybe it's the stove. Who knows? After dinner, I left for the gym. It takes a little while to get there, but it was still pretty early at night. I don't know what it was about Tuesday night, is it the new date night? Is everyone off today? There was so much traffic! People out on dates, some coming home from work, others just out? I didn't get it. Maybe all of the bars in town were having a free two-legged person night. I don't know. But it also turned out to be a great night for everyone to go to the gym. Four people turned into the parking lot ahead of me, and a couple of people after me. Every spot was taken, and this lot is HUGE! It got to a point where people were starting to follow others that were coming out of the gym and walking to their cars. I saw someone else park in a loading zone, facing out, lights on, ready to chase down anyone for a spot that became free. I decided that maybe tonight wasn't a good night to work out. So, I headed to Wal-mart. CANDY WAS ON SALE! And...they still had Count Chocula! I had not had any yet this Halloween season, so of course I had to buy some! They also had the cutest Halloween material! I found the cutest kind with pumpkins, and then another with tiny candy corn! Joy found some satin orange material, and I couldn't help but get a yard of that too! By the time I got home, i was in a grumpy mood. When Glenn asked what would make me feel better, I replied: Can we clean?


Blogger RussianViolets said...

Hey, I'm having you over immediately to clean; then you'll be happy, and my house will look spectacular. :-)

11/02/2005 07:27:00 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

Will you come clean my junk pile, I mean, apartment? :)

From the gym to candy... lol I saw the candy corn on sale for 84 cents tonight and had to buy it. Candy corn is necessary food this time of year, you know?

11/03/2005 03:44:00 PM  

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