Monday, August 08, 2005

Dr. Dung

[Not sure if I posted this here or not already, so here it is. A story. About a friend. A foreign friend.]

"Common sense is not so common." I first heard this from a friend of mine, Dr. Dung. I have yet to not smile when I think of it. Since it was him that led me to yahoo360, I figured I should post about him as other more graphic topics escape me at this moment. I have some fond, yet horrifying memories of Dr. Dung. There was the New Year's party, at which no one had gotten too terribly drunk yet I managed to get Dr. Dung to proudly wear a lampshade. I am told that wearing of lamp shades is customary among college students. So, us being college students, and a lamp having shed it's shade, I felt this a task we must accomplish. The photo is among other more revealing photos in my repertoire.
The next memory of Dr. Dung is when we played Trivial Pursuit on a team. And after many (I believe the last count was somewhere above the square root of 105.396.) attempts at trying to answer the final question correctly, we were defeated. However, I do believe we whupped up the competition, as most lain about...some drooling.
The last memory of Dr. Dung that I shall reveal is quite horrifying. I do suggest you take warning the next time you attempt to do what I am about to tell you that I did. One night, among a group of friends, we were scampering about the campus and ended up at the Union. Being as late as it was and as hyper as we were, it was no surprise that we could be found that night on the top level of the parking deck. Imagine laughing. Imagine yelling. Imagine me driving wildly about, attempting to flee as everyone tried to jump onto my van. I thought I had gotten away and proudly sped even faster, when I saw the look on Duck's face. It seemed that I had picked up a little, fuzzy, South African souvenior while speeding around the deck. On the back of my van, gripping madly for his life, was Dr. Dung. He had out ran his fellow playmates! Yes! He had managed to jump onto the van! Only to be taken on a 8.6 second joy ride of death. Perhaps he was too horrified to pound on the glass, warning me to stop. Perhaps he thought that if I did get such a warning, I would only brake sharply so he would fall off, and then roll over him. But alas that did not happen! Instead, I s l o w l y stopped, allowing the stowaway to escape and flee back to his natural urban environment.
That was one of the last times I ever saw Dr. Dung. I hope he has learned his lesson and has stayed away from peculiar (if not very inviting looking rears) of vans...and Robert Picardo.

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