Friday, December 03, 2004

What To Do?

Thoughts of what to blog go rushing out of my head. Tonight: pizza! cheese (Me) & meatlovers (G.) and eggnog. Fun: playing the Sims later, maybe anarchy, Emily is coming over with her new girlfriend Weekend: making turkey that took five days to defrost, do Christmas shopping, think of something else on our Christmas list for grandmother, refill body w/ liquids, prepare Christmas cards for mailing, daydream about Jetta, considering naming first born and/or pet Jetta, consider getting goldfish since rediscovering have SEVERAL fish tanks and bowls under sink from previous inheritance/acquiring of beta fish/frog/crabs/etc., consider taking stuff to storage shed/get new storage shed, eat a lot of turkey, paint/do something arty preferably with Christmas cards, blog from home, take pictures & post for faraway friends, debate whether or not I should go back to school even though I already decided to just start grad school even though they didn't want me because i could not handle the "stress", ponder Christmas break, think light and positive thoughts about Spring Break, research the stars and heavenly bodies and relate them to Cthulhu's partners trapped in space, and start my new story idea.