Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm Curious

Does anyone have any beauty secrets out there? Like brushing your hair one hundred times per night, or only using Pond's cold cream, or eating lots of pasta? I've never kept any growing up, except shaving my arm pits.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not really. But there are things that I do religiously and although not big secrets they help:

1.) I don't wear a whole lot of makeup but I wash whatever I do wear off every night before bed. I use warm/cold water and Cetaphil cleanser.

2.) I use sunscreen all the time and try to advoid as much sun exposure as possible. I am very white so it's a must.

3.) I laugh. A lot. All the time. It's the best thing in the world for you.

4.) I try to eat healthy but I don't deprive myself of treats. I try to balance it out. Balance is the key to life. In all things.

5.) I do a lot of outdoor activities as my excersize. That way I get the excersize but it doesn't feel like it because I'm enjoying the outdoors too much.

6.) I read to de-stress.

8/17/2007 02:16:00 PM  
Blogger Minoa said...

Ooh...I've tried Cetaphil once. But not enough - I'm a sporadic face washer with soap.

I agree w/ sunscreen - I use about a 50+. Cursed Irish skin!

As long as we don't laugh while eating, we'll be okay ;)

8/17/2007 02:26:00 PM  
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