Friday, March 17, 2006

SIMplify Their Lives: VJ and David...

I told you that my footage was stolen by VJ and Rezzie, so I decided to recreate that footage on the Sims.The last time we left them, VJ and David were living together.
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VJ was working at an aquarium. She picked up a few things from the dolphins ;)
David however, was not having such a great time. Things got bad when he wouldn't change out of his bathing suit. Normally that wouldn't be such a bad thing, but it is now. VJ was constantly consoling David
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but he kept getting jealous of VJ and her friends.
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It got to a point where he was even jealous of her relationship with Maximus.
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He would lay around the house all day and stay up all night. When VJ got home from work (smelling of fish) David would yell at her for leaving him alone in a dirty house.
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He kept pretending like nothing was wrong.
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That it was all her fault.
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Things were steadily getting worse.
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Rezzie tried to step in, as did Svenny, but VJ didn't want to hear about it.
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Even though her heart was breaking. It was time for Rezzie to pull out all of the right moves if she wanted to save her friend. (Are you ready for it? See? This is the part that I was talking about!!!!)
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Will there be hope for VJ? Find out in the next installment!



Blogger Valancy Jane said...

The part I love the most is that he won't change out of his bathing suit.
That makes me giggle more than you know.

3/21/2006 09:05:00 AM  

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