Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tea Glorious Tea!!!

I o.d. on the quizzes yesterday. I know. I'm going thru withdrawals right now, and managed to get a nasty hang over to. (Must click boxes! Must answer pointless questions!) I'm nursing my wounds with a cuppa earl grey tea. Lots of honey & sugar substitute. I read up on tea yesterday. Can you believe every type of tea out there comes from the same plant?! I'm interested in trying white tea. Apparently it is very rare and expensive. I'm sure Starbucks would have it ;) J/k. I probably have to go to China to have it. Tea was like crack. The Japanese freaked out over it. Introduced by a Zen master (?), they first really respected tea, and created the tea ceremony. Then, they started getting really whacky by making tea houses, then holding contests, sort of a "Know Your Teas", reminds me of a Letterman episode, and you could win rewards like silk. It was a very gentlemanly thing to do. Lots of words originated from the tea market. Pidgin English was created specifically for trade. Tea seemed to make the world go round. If I were an English teacher right now, I give out topics for this week's essay, one of which would be about tea. To read more, please visit the Stash Tea website. I almost considered requesting tea for Christmas. I want to taste more varieties. (I now know that it is improper to add milk to all teas.) I read about Echinacea tea from Valancy Jane, but what other herbs are in it? I considered growing my own tea trees. But apparently it takes the trees years to grow on land that humans have lived on, and the typical tree only lives for 50 years. I have also decided to stop hiding. My real name will now be posted. =) Have a beautiful Wednesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, your real name? You are a brave soul.

Yes, I OD'd on the quizzes too. But I saved some for today. What is it? The hair of the dog, right? LOL!

I got some new tea... its Chinese White Tea. It's really good! I need to bring you a tea bag.

=)You have a beautiful Wednesday too! Despite the sunshine!

11/17/2004 06:41:00 AM  

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