Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Common Like Me

One. Whole. Day. Without. Posting. o.O Good thing I already went to the doctor. Nothing too bad, just a sinus infection. I will start Allegra soon. If anyone knows what to expect, then feel free to e-mail me makazeminion at yahoo dot com.

Last night was a low pressure night. Just me, pizza, tv and hubby playing computer. Oh, and there was scratching. In fact, I will even dare to say that there was a PLETHORA of scratching. Because I care about you dear readers, please take care of yourselves.

While I was gone, it seems like the Manticore was busy and picked up some new viewers. I have something in common with the following people. They found my blog by searching for something on the internets. It brought them here. I call it fate.

flying spaghetti monster t-shirt: I have mine picked out.
icons charlie brown MS: chuck is an icon of the highest power
cartoon animals col ring book: i had no idea that I had my own ring book. Please tell me where to find it.
how to crochet a bag : I could teach ya how.

VJ, did you know that from the last ten days alone 28 people have gone to my blog. Thanks.

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