Thursday, March 03, 2005

Three Things

Three names you go by: Colleen (what most people call me) Col (what my family and friends call me, although they pronounce it differently) Mimic (Primary Dragon Crest character) Three screen names you have: BraidedBaka27 (AIM) Minoa (handle) Cute Lil Pest (variations there of) Three things you like about yourself: I’m sensitive. I have a good sense of humor. I can bake. Three things you hate/dislike about yourself: I have little to no self respect and self confidence. I do not stand up for myself and express my needs. I get sick and cry too much. Three parts of your heritage: Irish German Alsace Lorraine Three things that scare you: Losing my husband. Everyone leaving me. Losing control. Three of your everyday essentials: Sugar. Cuddles. Creativity. Three things you are wearing right now: Wedding ring. Turtle ring. Husband’s sweater that does not fit him anymore. Three of your favorite bands/artists (at the moment): "Weird" Al Yankovic "Once More With Feeling" soundtrack from Buffy Season 6 U2

Three of your favorite songs at present: Marilyn Manson "Beautiful People" (especially when driving home from work)

Yankovic "Yoda"

Buffy "Going Thru the Motions"

Three things you want to try in the next 12 months: Ski Bead on clothing Make tiramisu

Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given): Fun Sympathy Cuddles Two truths and a lie: I can touch my tongue to my nose. They thought that I was a twin before I was born. I’m really not from Chicago. Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to you: Shoulders Hands Face Three things you just can't do: Go to a strip club. Have an affair. Not believe in an afterlife. Three of your favorite hobbies: Baking. Beading. Singing. Three things you want to do really badly right now: Drink. Eat. Be merry. Three careers you're considering: Artist. Mother. Educator. Three places you want to go on vacation: The ocean. Europe. Home. Three kids' names: (For my hypothetical kids?) Kitten Turtle Pumpkin Three things you want to do before you die: (strangely, I've given a longer list of these in a previous blog) See the ocean. Buy a house. Play in the ocean. Three people who have to take this quiz now or die a painful death: Jenny VJ Therese (Remember, the quiz promises you will die a painful death should you refuse to take it!)


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